Is Crisco Vegan?

Is Crisco Vegan?

You want to do some baking, yet butter and lard are off the list of things to use as they contain animal products. After all, you are vegan and don’t want to touch anything that comes from or has been tested on animals.  Asking your fellow vegans what the best alternative is to use for…

Everything Vegans Should Know About Flamin’ Hot Cheetos

Everything Vegans Should Know About Flamin’ Hot Cheetos

Modern processed snacks aren’t always easy to navigate for vegans. So many options to choose from; some vegan; some not. Today we’re looking at whether Flamin’ Hot Cheetos are vegan. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. The links below may be affiliate links. Please read my disclosure policy for more information.  What are Flamin’ Hot Cheetos?…

Is Pita Bread Vegan?

Is Pita Bread Vegan?

More and more individuals are turning to a plant-based diet as a healthy, environmentally beneficial, and ethically sound lifestyle choice. Animal goods and animal-derived substances are not allowed in a vegan diet.  Health and environmental benefits far outweigh the difficulties in finding foods that are safe for vegans. You’d be amazed at the number of…

Is Honey Vegan

Is Honey Vegan

Honey has been praised for its sweetness, healing properties, and vibrant presence in the hive for centuries. The golden nectar presents a sticky ethical dilemma for vegans and those eating a plant-based diet. Is Honey vegan? The answer is more apparent than you would hope. Delve into this article to unpack why Honey sparks debate…

Is Olive Oil Vegan?

Is Olive Oil Vegan?

Olive oil has a rich history stretching back over 4,000 years and is a primary industry of Lebanon. In the Mediterranean countries, olive oil is a rich part of the diet and provides a wide range of health benefits.  Yet, is Olive oil something a vegan should be using?  The simple answer to that is…